
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf
52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

Kaarjaan dae arambh vich ardaas karnee – When undertaking any task, first perform the prayer of Ardās. Guru Granth Sahib Jee noo Guru mananaa – Believe in and accept Guru Granth Sahib as the Guide to enlightenment. Sat Saroop Satgur daa dhian dharnaa – Contemplate and assimilate the beautiful truth of the True Enlightener. Shabad da abhiaas karnaa – Practice the sacred hymns to life. Adhere resolutely to the five articles of faith. Panj Kakaar dee rehit drirh kar rukhnee – Follow the discipline of The Five Ks strictly. Gurbani de arth Sikh vidhvanaa tuo parrhnae – Study the essence of Gurbani from learned Sikhs.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf

Sikh sevak dee sevaa ruchee naal karnee – Devotedly serve the Sikh who serves others. Amrit Velā utthnaa – Arise during Amrit vela (early morning). Gurbani kantth karnee – Learn Gurbani by heart. Dasvand denaa – Donate a tenth share of your earnings. Dharam dee kirat karnee – Make an honest living. A list of the 52 commands in romanized Punjabi with a faithful English translation is provided as follows: Members of the Khalsa (baptized Sikhs) aim to follow all the 52 edicts. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth. The 52 Hukams are a set of instruction in Sikhism set by Guru Gobind Singh in Nanded, Maharashtra, India in 1708.

52 hukams of guru gobind singh ji in punjabi pdf