Kaarjaan dae arambh vich ardaas karnee – When undertaking any task, first perform the prayer of Ardās. Guru Granth Sahib Jee noo Guru mananaa – Believe in and accept Guru Granth Sahib as the Guide to enlightenment. Sat Saroop Satgur daa dhian dharnaa – Contemplate and assimilate the beautiful truth of the True Enlightener. Shabad da abhiaas karnaa – Practice the sacred hymns to life. Adhere resolutely to the five articles of faith. Panj Kakaar dee rehit drirh kar rukhnee – Follow the discipline of The Five Ks strictly. Gurbani de arth Sikh vidhvanaa tuo parrhnae – Study the essence of Gurbani from learned Sikhs.

Sikh sevak dee sevaa ruchee naal karnee – Devotedly serve the Sikh who serves others. Amrit Velā utthnaa – Arise during Amrit vela (early morning). Gurbani kantth karnee – Learn Gurbani by heart. Dasvand denaa – Donate a tenth share of your earnings. Dharam dee kirat karnee – Make an honest living. A list of the 52 commands in romanized Punjabi with a faithful English translation is provided as follows: Members of the Khalsa (baptized Sikhs) aim to follow all the 52 edicts. These edicts sum up the ideal way of life of the Khalsa and serve as a code of conduct for the Khalsa Panth. The 52 Hukams are a set of instruction in Sikhism set by Guru Gobind Singh in Nanded, Maharashtra, India in 1708.